This world hides a multitude of truths that make for heaven,
It makes it look like the only kin we have are the ones Whose DNA most closely resemble ours, When in reality we are all one. And so the only way to love the ones Who do not look like us is to imagine That the foreign ones are ours. It is not a natural thing to do. But if we try, we can find ourselves loving all sorts of people In the way we love our own. Another thing that the world hides is the love that falls. There is the love that loves. That one we know. But there is also the love of the one that condescends To fall from heaven. Sometimes I wonder if it is the greater love. This world makes it look like the ones that cause us pain, The ones who hate us or persecute us Or cause us the most trouble Are our enemies. But it is possible to imagine that they are our greatest friends, our nearest kin. And doesn’t that make sense? Is it not those who test and try us That cause us to grow more close to heaven. So that through imagination, We can even feel love flowing from those the world calls our enemies. I know that these ideas are antithetical to the thing we call reality. They may even be considered evil by those who can’t imagine That their enemies could have, through love, Made a conscious choice to fall In that eternal world from which we came. But since the practice of imagining these things has caused me to love more And to feel more love, even to feel at times that I am in the midst of heaven, I am persuaded that it is the world's reality that’s off.
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September 2024