There is enough of it If you believe it so. Sufficient is the day, Remember? Watch out! The world clamors. There are a thousand tomorrows To be looked out for! But really, there are not. There is just today. Just now In fact. But if you don't Scheme and plan And fret and frown, You'll surely die! How they drone on! There is only one way To deal with bullies: If death it is Then death it must be! After all, What alternative is there? To hurry Is a kind of death: To die to the only thing We really are - Whatever that is. And whatever it is, It's now. And if perceived at all, It can only be perceived In the space Just between nothing And all that we are not. Can you find it? Just there. Just now. Let the world Fly away To the castles They build Between the dark brown Earthy now And all the light blue Empty dreams Of tomorrows That will never come. But let me die To all that is not now Bury me deep In the soil of today. And remember when I'm gone... That there is time And plenty of it. If you only believe That it is so.
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September 2024