When on the trackless path, you are not working by that which is seen. Instead, you are relying upon the unseen. It is the thing which you know is there but that you cannot see. When you walk this path, do not expect the thing to come to fruition from your fist attempt. We know that our faith is tried in every instance. Therefore, it would be a mistake to presume immediate success. The knowledge of the truth will come in waves, so that you discover that with the first wave you try and learn something and the wave subsides and it appears that you have failed. The second wave comes and it appears that you are making some progress and you say inwardly, "Thank goodness! This time I have it figured it out and it is going to all work out." Again, it comes to naught. And again and perhaps again. God only knows how many apparent failures are in store for you before your mountain moves. But know assuredly, if you have seen it in your heart's eye, it will come to pass, whether it takes two or twenty attempts.
This is not positive thinking, for you will not attain to all those things for which your eye may have lusted. This type of mountain moving is only for those whose heart is aligned with the will of the almighty. If you would like a good example of how it works, read over the story of Moses again. Remember that it took 10 attempts before Pharaoh would let the people go and even after that, he chased them to the Red Sea and it appeared that all was lost before the sea parted. I understand that in one of the Rabbinical texts, it states that when Moses raised his rod over the sea, Aaron began to walk into the sea. From what I remember, the sea began to part when Aaron was up to his neck and about to be swallowed up. I don't know if the account is completely accurate, but if nothing else, it is a faith promoting rumor. :-) In any case, the story itself illustrates how this works. Moses is not the only story. Look at any truly paradigm shifting event throughout history and you will see the same thing. So remember, when you have tried and apparently failed, all is not lost. This is part of the way it works. It is part of the trackless path itself. You never see the manifestation until after the trial of your faith. If we can take anything else away from the story of Moses, we can see that when all is lost, it is time to take heart and know that deliverance is nigh. Apparent failure is part of the way faith works.
1 Comment
Greg O Muller
4/14/2020 01:23:21 pm
"Interim Failure" is to be expected on the road to inevitable success
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