Have you ever been lost
In dreamy reverie? Have your friends laughed When they drew you up Out of some misty waken slumber? Have they chided you For missing the obvious Or for forgetting your location? If so, then you are not unusual. But there are some For whom the call of dreams Speaks more loudly than the thing Which others call reality. It seeps in Like an early fog Obscuring the priorities Set for them by polite society. And there they think they see Just beyond the brume, The world which others Pretend to worship. Some are foolish still, Enough to linger Listening Deep beneath the scene To the silence - Daring it to speak. To some it does, God forbid! And calls them far, Far from home, Far from polite society, To the lands of legends deep To harrowing quests That threaten not only their lives But their souls. There they fight with giants Not only the giants Of the dark woods But the giants of their minds. And there they must keep A constant vigil Lest fears, like wolves, devour. But they are not alone In the land of dreams For the spritely spirits And the friendly forest folk Of the wood Watch over the wanderer With deep concern over every footfall, Lest he dash his foot Against a stone. He is one of theirs And they watch over him Though he see them not. Did you know That there are some So lost in dreams That they never return? These are the chosen few. And it is only those who travel far Who are blessed To never come back. The end comes for them On a distant plane Or in a forest deep Or on a mountain so high That it is forgotten By townsfolk Like you and I, And then all at once, They disappear To join the forest folk In the bright glen That is hidden Even from him Who seeks it most And the more from unbelievers. And there they dance With spirits too real For human sight In the splendor Of their vivid whiteness. And when they’ve danced The newcomers dance And feasted at the fathers table For a moon And some for the passing Of an age, They return to the forest deep And wander about Seeking some fellow wanderer Who is fool enough To dream. You’ll have heard Of fairy rings I’m sure. But now you see The symbol in the thing. It’s one eternal round you know. To dreamer and the dream.
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September 2024