The study of history and current events will keep you earthbound. If you desire to fly away, look to the sky. Look to the impossible, and be grateful for the reality of the things you cannot see. If you do, the truth of unseen things will grow more real until you begin to forget that there ever was a thing called time or a place called Tuscaloosa or Birmingham or London or New York City. You will realize then that all of these were no more than outward manifestations of a darker, earthbound spirit. And their histories will become inconsequential. Then, all that will be left will be souls, great souls, small souls, bright and shining souls and darkly lit lost souls, some of them still pouring over the news and clinging to worn out histories. And then you will be faced with a choice: to stay a little longer in hopes of leading some few to the light, or to enter into the world which you've imagined, to take up residence in that mansion built without hands, no more to go out forever.
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September 2024