Heavy garments
Laden with rain, Dripping With the tearful stain Of frightful tomorrows. Why is it That I frown the future And so disdain the present As to think That I am bound To someone else's fears? I am not - thank God! For he has made me free To bound upon the meadow grass When the morning's first dew Has laden it with freshness! He has borne me unto wistful musings. He has breathed new life Where once the grief Of sacrifice Pressed and crushed me down And tried to squeeze Not just the hope But life itself Out of me. And now I'm free. And I do not bear the burden Of the thing that you call time, Accept in that one place Where our two worlds meet. There I come To touch you with the thing I am The thing He's made of me, But that, only for a moment After which I flee Back to this place Where there is space To contemplate The reality That does not bind itself down With weighty fictions. And here there springs to life The hope of all that is fanciful, All that is real, All that entreats. Come with me. How long will you linger In the burden of Your own defeat? "But I am not defeated yet!" you say. Very well. Have it your way. But I will miss you While you seek Far and wide, And strive toward some end That you deem right And ruin yourself To unseen things And revel In your glory. See it through if you must, And then When you've wasted away And grown weak, When your eyes are dim And your voice too pale To speak, Remember me And come to me upon the wind That whisks away the ungrateful And if you're not too busy then, Come kiss me And remind me of the days Before ambition Stole you from me. And if you do, Then you will finally be free. And together, Hand in hand, We'll bound upon the meadow grass When the dew still clings To the leaf, And dream of all the things that be Just beyond forgotten tomorrows, And exchange our heavy garments For light ones. And far into the misty sea of reality We'll fly upon their wings. Until then, Fairwell my friend. I love you. I miss you. Always, Me
1 Comment
3/27/2020 03:26:45 pm
Love it! That's great 😁 Thank you for sharing 😊
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September 2024