I find myself wondering yet again who it is I am talking to, and struggling to create a work that will reach those to whom I speak.
In the last couple of posts, I began by trying to find equal footing. I've been thinking about the idea of Spirit and the Holy Spirit. I have also been thinking about unholy spirits. And I have something to say about it. And that is fine for some of you. Some of you are comfortable with such talk. Others, important others, may not be. By important, I don't mean people who may profit me in some way. I mean people just like me who have begun to traverse The Trackless Path, but who may not use the same language. Because, you see, the thing that unites us is that we no longer believe that we have the answers, or at least, we yet have questions for which no creed can suffice. Yet you might say that we are not unbelievers. We do not doubt the Truth, but we no longer trust in the institutions of our youth to supply it unerringly, nor in our own wits to guide us aright. And so, we are bereft of a people. We are alone in the world. And yet, we have each other. And if only we can overlook our differences, then perhaps, we do not need to be alone. But how do I speak to such a motley crew? That is my challenge. And here it is that I am afraid that you will need to overlook the thing I am. Can you find the Truth when it is masked by the limits of my capacity to express? And can you translate the things I say into a language which you can understand? I hope so. I hope that you will overlook the limitations of my language. I hope that you will find what Truth there be to spite me.
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September 2024