They begin to come down
This time of year From the Mountains. And in my town, You are as likely To see them anywhere As you are to see people Or birds at the bird feeder. But if you are not careful, Just like birds They disappear. Did you know That there are people Who cannot see the birds, People who have not Seen them for years. It is one huge Mass of metal for them, And glass, and wood And papers filled with numbers, And dates on a page. But for those still alive To their soul questions In October After the first snows, The deeper world Of the mystic wood Seeps down into the towns, And if you watch, You will see it In their eye. And then you will know That that there is hope And that you are not Out of reach. Thank God!
I was raised with worn upholstery
And so I am not A part of that class Which appreciates new things. I wish it were different at times But it is what it is. Once in a while My comfortable soul Beguiles itself Into believing That there is a virtue In my poverty But there is not, No more Than there is virtue In your wealth. It is a mistake to believe In that kind of goodness. In former lives, perhaps, I envied you your leather But not any more. I rest deep in my old things and breath the sweet mediocrity Which contents itself With the old. It sounds sad When I put it that way. But it is true. Thank you. Thank you for letting me be. We are not so different You and I, Both bound by the familiar Both resting in that thing Which most comforts Our afflictions. But then again, Don't put it past me To stay in your hotel Or to relish in your richness Of a June. But home for me Will always be In that thing Which you discard. And if you ever tire of fretting Over your expensive cache Feel free to rest Upon my couch It will not fret Or show the scratch Like the leather One at home. I wonder if it's true This thing I've said to you. Is it ok, that I don't care To prosper like the masses? I hope so, For I am tired of pretending. I suppose this poem
Will be short. That's all I have time for. But poems don't work that way. They have a life of their own. And so today I write a bad poem. It is bad Because I hold it close And do not let It have its head. If I did, It would pull me along And keep me up until All hours. So there you go. My apologies. This poem is No more than a space Between two More meaningful Works... But you see Already, it has drawn me in. I try to finish But it holds me. "I'm not done" it says. It insists that we end well. And to end well, We must say something. Damn! But here I go! I am ending this poem. I won't live this way, Enslaved to a tyrannical muse! Ha! So there! The End! And we haven't said a thing. And it is miserable And we both are sad. But I suppose it is just as well. I will sleep tonight After I mourn The loss of something I don't know what And never will. Good night muse. I love you. "I love you too" he says. Until tomorrow muse...I am sorry. "It's OK. I understand" I believe he is asleep now. He really is a faithful friend. I could not wish for better And I am sorry That I treat him so. Truly, I am ashamed. But tomorrow I will be better. Tomorrow, I let him roam In sunlit meadows Where the wildflowers grow And we'll spin a poem That you'll remember. And perhaps you'll like it so much That you'll read it again and again. And now I suppose That I must be to sleep also. Good night all. God bless. Until next time. So grateful...
For smooth cement walls Rising layer upon layer, To an open, cold and blue sky. She holds me up While I lean against her Waiting for the elevator That will take me To the bank floor. There, tellers will smile at me And twenty somethings In sweater vests Will push papers And pretend That they can offer some security To the anxious patrons Who so confidently Pass them Thier tens and twenties And hundreds and thousands. "Rest assured" they say "You're in safe hands with us! Yes - Never you worry! Go to your lives And rest assured We'll never let you down!" But I feel more safe here Sandwiched between Layers of sand and lime and rock. I lean against her smooth face And feel the cool breeze Blow through her open sides. "I make you no promises" she says And I know That when "the end" comes This is the last place I should be. But I cherish her anyway For the icy truth She tells. "Ding!" And there is my elevator. I pull myself away From the cool cement wall And step into the shiny Red carpeted room That will lead me To the fiction I have chosen. Goodbye old friend. Until next Thursday When we'll meet again In that space that lies just before All that we've imagined. Meet me there again And remind me Until then That nothing is for certain. Cool me with the memory Of your silence. You are true old friend And I am grateful, Grateful to find you here, Grateful that you never leave Goodbye...until next time. Slow down.
Not every opportunity Is for you. It's true! Be still. Chill! Be slow to act My friend. Be content Don't vent Your anxious impulse On some imprudent spend. If so, You'll grow Into a wealthy man And if your soul's secure, You'll bless the world With all that dough. For you did not need it In the first place. I am sad
For how the world has gone. But you don't know why. If I were to tell you, You might say That I was intolerant Or bigoted Or blind. But I am not. It is not a sin To believe That one thing is better Than another. And I do not hate you If I believe That you are wrong. It is my right To mourn for you. It is a prerogative Which does not require Your approval. And I am content To do so quietly. Would to God That you would Mourn for yourself! But in the absence Of that sorrow Which you lack, I will grieve In your behalf... For I am sad. If your knowledge comes from books,
Beware. Humanity cannot ascend From the mire of its baser nature By looking in the mirror. But if your knowledge comes from above, Rejoice. There is hope in higher things. Quietly I hide
Behind this paper. Content to disappear Accept for what I choose to show Here on this page. For I am not what you believe. My identity was never negotiable And I realize now That it was a mistake To give you a vote. So farewell To all of you Whom I love so much. I love you still, Perhaps better For what you cannot see Since I no longer allow What you think of me To determine what I am And how I love you. Nor will I allow How you appear To sway me In my estimation of you. For here in the quiet silence Of my solitary life, You are all I ever knew you were, Noble, sweet, true and kind. Brave and faithful To what you meant to be. But if you ever forget Your majesty - Your beauty, Come find me here, For though lost to yourself you be, You are not lost to me. Why will you follow fools?
They play And you dance And in the end, You both fall down. And then you complain. I love that thing most That comes just before They speak. Silence. Why not skip the rhetoric? Why not settle for Silence. She does not impose. She does not imply. She does not Call upon dead others To justify her lies. But do not be deceived. If you sit with her long enough, She will speak With words too terrible To utter. And then You will either live or die By what comes next. For no one Having heard her voice Can justify their trust In anything less. While my ambition slept,
I dreamt of a world Where naps were allowed. In my dream, I met the secret side Of CEOs And Entrepreneurs, The side they hide From themselves. And there They were just as lazy as I, Lazy enough to see the sky, To feel the breeze, To take a ride With the windows down In the middle of the afternoon Without a thought Of the bottom line Nor even a concern For what they'd eat For dinner that night Or the next. In my lazy world, The poets were praised For their ability To create so much From lazy days. But I had no time for pride That was too much work For this head of mine. And so I slept the day away, A nap within a nap. Shhh........ You'll wake that grind of mine. Let him sleep. He's mighty tired. He needs a little sleepy time. A month will do, Or perhaps an age. Wake him when The sun don't shine For after that belated rest He'll raise the cosmos From its nest With all his cock and crow. Until then, We'll sleep away And tell you all To hit the hay. Now take nap, It's ok. Forget about Those bills not paid. And slumber high Beyond the moon. Where the sleepy wood fife Plays a tune Only for ambitious souls Who now must rest God only knows How long. And do not worry It's allowed. .There has never been a time
In the history of the world When people have felt more alone Than today. That doesn't mean that we are But it seems that way at times. If you are alone, Remember That loneliness is shared With those as lonley as ourselves. Believe in the lonely somebodies Who must share the yoke You bear. We are a clan you know - A band of ones Who long to love But who instead Must suffer. But at least we suffer together. I sit alone in my room With each of you beside me. What a comfort It is to know I'm not alone Within my wretched solitude. What a joy! I almost touch you there, Yes. There you are, Looking back at me From your solitary square. Perhaps one day We'll meet, In the open air I think, Where the bluebirds sing And flit the wing From branch to branch. You won't say a thing And neither will I Except perhaps From heart to heart And even if our meeting Is no more than a simple greeting, I'll know you As one of mine And hold you close Withing my mind. You'll pat my knee And we'll remember Times when we Were not so blessed As we will be then. In the mean time At least This poem we have, A less romantic moonlight tryst Between two lonelys, You in your room Me in mine Until the time... Until the time... Oh fair spirit,
Sweet lover of my soul, Floating there Still gowned in your bridal veils. How bright you shine! How white your ever pure intent! No desire but always still To be mine Who spurned you Year after year For more solid loves. Ashamed, you turn away your face From one so blind As to disdain The very image of devotion. For there was always some other With fairer lies With which to be beguiled - Those whose luster, Though not so bright, Still shone with neon promises Painted on the night. But still you linger, Faithful still. Do not die Before I've broken free From all the things I do not love. Do not die within me Bride of mine! But lend me life Enough to spurn Those fables dark And bind myself To she whose love I always cherished most But feared to find. Image by Carabo Spain from Pixabay It takes no machismo
To be a skeptic. It's little more than nothing To disbelieve. Would you be strong? Would you stand upon the mountain And sing the triumph song? Then believe! Show me one with faith And I will show you A thousand sheep So weak That they cannot be bothered By conviction Till it's nipping At their heels With proofs so terrifying As to drain the life From their already Dead corpses. So, Why not believe? Why not be the victor And wear the crown of the mighty? It's reserved you know For only those Whose sureness Stands the test of fire. But we are weak You say. True. So why not start today? Build brick by brick The tower. There is no other way To better tomorrows Than through The dark and mournful fictions Of today. So, don't give up On what you cannot see. Believe! And when the sun Pokes its head out Between the clouds, And warms you with the truth You could not see, Grasp it! Hold it close! And do not let it go! It is the assurance Of sunshine yet to be. And that man Who hordes such proofs will find His hope, though hidden deep within Will one day set him free. Face a thing when it comes.
That is the key That unlocks A certain kind Of peace of mind. But face it fully Or it will haunt Your pocket And beg to be Written down. And then You are its slave. That man is free Whose simplicity Manifests itself In the empty spaces In his schedule Which yawn themselves lazily Open and wide Spanning the gap Between few and deliberate Pillars of intent. Have you ever been lost
In dreamy reverie? Have your friends laughed When they drew you up Out of some misty waken slumber? Have they chided you For missing the obvious Or for forgetting your location? If so, then you are not unusual. But there are some For whom the call of dreams Speaks more loudly than the thing Which others call reality. It seeps in Like an early fog Obscuring the priorities Set for them by polite society. And there they think they see Just beyond the brume, The world which others Pretend to worship. Some are foolish still, Enough to linger Listening Deep beneath the scene To the silence - Daring it to speak. To some it does, God forbid! And calls them far, Far from home, Far from polite society, To the lands of legends deep To harrowing quests That threaten not only their lives But their souls. There they fight with giants Not only the giants Of the dark woods But the giants of their minds. And there they must keep A constant vigil Lest fears, like wolves, devour. But they are not alone In the land of dreams For the spritely spirits And the friendly forest folk Of the wood Watch over the wanderer With deep concern over every footfall, Lest he dash his foot Against a stone. He is one of theirs And they watch over him Though he see them not. Did you know That there are some So lost in dreams That they never return? These are the chosen few. And it is only those who travel far Who are blessed To never come back. The end comes for them On a distant plane Or in a forest deep Or on a mountain so high That it is forgotten By townsfolk Like you and I, And then all at once, They disappear To join the forest folk In the bright glen That is hidden Even from him Who seeks it most And the more from unbelievers. And there they dance With spirits too real For human sight In the splendor Of their vivid whiteness. And when they’ve danced The newcomers dance And feasted at the fathers table For a moon And some for the passing Of an age, They return to the forest deep And wander about Seeking some fellow wanderer Who is fool enough To dream. You’ll have heard Of fairy rings I’m sure. But now you see The symbol in the thing. It’s one eternal round you know. To dreamer and the dream. Two worlds.
Would to God that I Could straddle the fence. I wish that I could please you. But to do so, I would have to be The thing that you expected And not the thing I am. And I am no more Than what you See before you. And since I cannot please you, I am afraid That you will have to Love or hate me There is no middle road. So here I am. Will you love me Will trust me Will you share The air you breath And your last oil and flour With one who cannot Serve your fancies Or say the things You're longing for? If so, Then all my heart I give you, All the words You're longing for. I am yours And you are mine love, Nothing less And nothing more. |
September 2024