It's not worth it!
But all the same They rise to fight, They rise and rise and rise again, Day after day, Fearing the time When they must fall helpless As do all eventually, Into decay. And with every rise They sacrifice a little more To the machine, At first begrudgingly, And then with steam, Until finally, They chant in time To the grinding of its wheels And march along in silent disregard Of the ones it crushes Beneath the mass Of its enormous frame. And you would think That it was all there was Of the world For how they rise and rise. But it's not worth it! Stay down! If you can't rise To something more than that. Stay down! And die if you must! But do not live to serve The grind That drives the souls of men To hell and to the grave! Oh man! Don't rise! And let that great machine March on without you! Let it grind The bones of the poor Without your pushing it along! Oh man! Is it not worth your life To be free from the blood of these? Don't rise, oh man! Don't rise.
Thank God that I am only one
Among so many! Otherwise, How would I find peace? And thank heavens I am yet apart, aloof, alone, Here within my cabin, Deep within my candlestick, The push behind my pen, Here burning dim Behind the panes of glass That separate me From the cool and shaded Frosty wood That lies in the hidden place That you can't see. Oh, thank God! Otherwise, Well, I don't want to think! I don't want to see What I would be If I were something more Than me. There was betrayal,
Deep betrayal, But I did not revile back, And you wrapped my feet With your whip And dragged me over the cobbles Till my head was a bloody mass, And my heart burst out With blood and tears And together they flowed Out and down Upon the ground. And the evil nymphs danced Upon my grave. And good men passed me there And looked down in pity and distain, For they believed And there was no one Left to disagree. You alone knew the secrets That could explain The thing I was And the thing I couldn't be! But you did not. And with a heave, You piled the dirt, Piled it high on top of me Until... You also couldn't see. And now you're miserable, Paying over and over With four score trouble For all of your deceit. And strangely, by some miracle - You won't believe it, But it's true Somehow it's all ok... And I wonder - dear God... How can it be? But it is, For I did not revile back And because of that I still can see. I see before the thing That you became. Back I see To the very one Who trusted me. And it was the gift Of your betrayal That taught me how to suffer well. And because of that All is not lost For you and me. And so, When you've paid That awful price, Come home And greet me with a kiss And let me hold you Sweet child of mine! And love me better then For all that is passed, All that's died, And all that yet will be. It's not so bad
If you'll let them in, Let them help, Let them listen for a while, Not so bad If you can bear chagrin And stand silent through The sharp distain That paves the way For your admiring friends. That's how it is When you embark To stand in the market As you are. That's how it is To truly be a thing And not pretend. So don't loose heart When you're not wanted. Just wait until you are. He was crazy - certifiably - for sure - crazy
And his crazy was so familiar! Disturbingly familiar. It was the crazy Born of denying the thing you are - gone crazy - Of hiding in the dark Year after year Because you are just one thing And it's not wanted, Or so you think. And there it is, I believe, That I see what it was that was so crazy - For it was wanted, Wanted by some - wanted by many! But he was crazy! - half crazy at least - more - far more! Crazy for believing he could not sing! And that was the craziest thing of all, Because there was music in his soul! Fine music! Pay for the album fine music! And there it was - upon the paper Written down and sung over and over To the emptiness of his room But he denied us the thing he was Because... Crazy! I don't understand it! And it saddens my soul - deeply. And I can say - because I've rolled it over And over in my mind. That I don't think that he was crazy - Just afraid - And crazy, Crazy like a muzzled, pent up bird goes crazy, Crazy like the violin afraid to sing - gone crazy Crazy cause he did not dare To let it out Accept upon the inner walls Of his very own self-made prison. And there it burst out Uncontrollably On every surface In random, useless beauty For no-one there to see -- Accept her. He drove her crazy - absolutely crazy! I don't know how she did it. It wasn't compassion It wasn't love. For she was crazy Crazy for not leaving him, Crazy for not forcing him out of the house, Crazy for not telling him To man up and sing Or die! But then again, Perhaps she saw Behind the sunken eyes And the yellow pallor of his skin The beautiful soul that waited there Longing to be seen, but fearful. Or perhaps still, she was not crazy. Perhaps she liked it just that way, Perhaps she loved to keep him there, Not because his art delighted her But because she could say That it was hers, Like the chickadee kept against the law And gone mad for want of wild things. Yes, perhaps she liked him just that way A little or lot crazy Or not - who can say? Who dares to try To comprehend The lot of those gone crazy? There's been many a madhouse Filled with such who could not let it go. And so, I lay it down Right here. And walk away. I will not stay. For I've a song to sing today. It's over. You realize that, don't you? It's over because nobody cares for spiritual things. Or rather, they care for them wherein they may profit by them, wherein they believe that those things will bring them some sort of security. You will deny this and point to the millions who show up to church on Sunday or the millions more who meditate or attempt to practice mindfulness. But it is not practice but priority which determines one's fidelity to the otherworldly. What serves what? From all that I can tell, in 99.99% of the cases, (I would say 100% but I know a fraction of a handful of exceptions) pious observance and spiritual practice are tools to obtaining the "good life". Now note that I am not taking into account what people say about their observance, or even the observance itself. I am observing whom they serve with their pious devotions and what they expect in return. And what I see is that the spiritual is used as a tool by which individuals may more devoutly approach the god of success - the god who will give them what they want and prove to themselves that they are all that they believe themselves to be. But that is not Truth. We are not what we thought ourselves to be. We have imagined a self that serves the whole, but it was not the whole but the self we served in all our serving. And it is Truth that comes with a knife, to faithfully sever from us such fancies. It stands there ready to pluck out such an eye which offends and keeps us from the kingdom. And that hurts. But Truth rejoices when there are two in a field and one is taken, two in a bed and one is taken. It shouts praises when one of a city chooses Truth over that by which she may profit. And it revels in the ruin that inevitably precedes rebirth. For remember that the message of all true teachers throughout all history is that something is wrong with what the world desires. And it is that very desire which Gods and angels stand waiting to extinguish. But the world has given up on that in practice. The desire now is for the end result. We've thought to hack the system. And that is why it's over. You see, you don't really want Truth accept as a means to serve some lesser god who aligns with all that you've imagined for yourself...And so, what can such a person say accept
"Come sweet ruin And crush all that I've imagined. Give me just the thing That I don't want, The thing that I can't stand to see." In this there is hope. The world's on fire.
It's burning high into the night, And that's ok. It always has been that way Somewhere. And while it grew Into a hideous, gruesome sight And men's souls Were weighed in the balance And found wanting, And they lost themselves In passion, At that same time Somewhere There slept the infant In the cradle And the mother Picked away at her needle work Beside the fireplace. And the Papa Loaded wood into the box Beside the fire. And there was perfect peace Somewhere - And all because they minded Just their business And dared to choose peace And to believe That what evil fell beneath Their own eye Was just their evil And didn't seek some evil Far away. Today, they import evil And rouse themselves To foreign passions Ten, fifty, a hundred, thousand miles away. And the baby screams For want of mother While Papa, Mama browse for other evils And miss just the evil That they might have only thwarted The one beneath their noses, The evil of their very own today. |
September 2024