Love is a strange thing
Do you know it? I don’t know if you do. But I believe that perhaps You’ve touched it When the heavens parted long enough To show The truth of your beloved - A perfection deep within the soul. And you’ve lost it When the dark veil of unbelief Cloaked her in the lie That says You never did. Yes love is a strange refusal To believe anything But the truth that lies beneath All that you can see. And it only shows its face Now and then In bright moments Of transcendent grace Shining through our humanity. Lose the memory Of the truth that lies beneath And you lose love altogether.
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I am here in your town
And you don't know me, But you will. Do you know what comes Upon the winds That blow from the unseen place? Do you know that soon You will be blessed With desolation And Ruin? You will. And it is a time for choosing, A time for judgement. So choose While there is a choice, And know that what you choose Determines what you see, And what you see Makes all the difference. It's a dead end.
Slow down. Don't speed up. You sense the impact And you want to get it over with. That's why you race for the finish. But there is power In unseen things. There are treasures Hiding in the alleyways That trail off at random angles From the street That leads to your demise. And in that trove Lies the key that unlocks The gate. So let the end Wait a little longer. Linger - Don't rush. And trust. |
September 2024