Grateful for the thing I cannot see
For the good that lies Just beyond the ruin At my feet. Sweet ruin. Lovely the splendor Of the plenty Hidden deep beneath The disguise of unwanted things. Remember to be grateful. Remember to rejoice When ugliness you meet, For it's He and his abundance That hides and waits With pockets deep And gifts aplenty For the one who can't be fooled By the rough appearance Of higher things.
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Heavy garments
Laden with rain, Dripping With the tearful stain Of frightful tomorrows. Why is it That I frown the future And so disdain the present As to think That I am bound To someone else's fears? I am not - thank God! For he has made me free To bound upon the meadow grass When the morning's first dew Has laden it with freshness! He has borne me unto wistful musings. He has breathed new life Where once the grief Of sacrifice Pressed and crushed me down And tried to squeeze Not just the hope But life itself Out of me. And now I'm free. And I do not bear the burden Of the thing that you call time, Accept in that one place Where our two worlds meet. There I come To touch you with the thing I am The thing He's made of me, But that, only for a moment After which I flee Back to this place Where there is space To contemplate The reality That does not bind itself down With weighty fictions. And here there springs to life The hope of all that is fanciful, All that is real, All that entreats. Come with me. How long will you linger In the burden of Your own defeat? "But I am not defeated yet!" you say. Very well. Have it your way. But I will miss you While you seek Far and wide, And strive toward some end That you deem right And ruin yourself To unseen things And revel In your glory. See it through if you must, And then When you've wasted away And grown weak, When your eyes are dim And your voice too pale To speak, Remember me And come to me upon the wind That whisks away the ungrateful And if you're not too busy then, Come kiss me And remind me of the days Before ambition Stole you from me. And if you do, Then you will finally be free. And together, Hand in hand, We'll bound upon the meadow grass When the dew still clings To the leaf, And dream of all the things that be Just beyond forgotten tomorrows, And exchange our heavy garments For light ones. And far into the misty sea of reality We'll fly upon their wings. Until then, Fairwell my friend. I love you. I miss you. Always, Me Looking, looking
Out upon the horizon Ever looking, Searching, Ever Searching Out upon the horizon There upon the plain Out upon the horizon Looking, ever searching Moving, ever searching Out upon the horizon Over hill and mountain, Searching, ever searching Moving ever moving Down and up Or hill and plain, Moving, ever searching Where the distance meets the main. Why do I vacillate
Between two things? Why do I try? Why does this hurried, anxious Mad desire toward The empty, frightful void Propel me to act Impulsively? Why? When the promise of Spring Is even now Wafting across the plain And showering its pleasures Down upon the world In the ever sure return Of April's rain. Ungrateful fool! Did you think To beat the Master At His game? Did you hope By your vain ambition To propel yourself ahead of others And thus claim the lion's share Of His abundance? If so, You are sorely mistaken. It is the devil's time you keep When you trust In the thing that thinks That it can know What's best for itself. And it's the wind you sow When you blow and blow And the whirlwind That you'll reap In the end. Better to trust The winds that blow From that unknown place In the heart of Spring. And to slow down Enough to hear The beat, beat, beat Of that distant heart That pulses for us all. After all, You are blessed today With sunshine And rain And they will come again. For they are true To the maker of such things And true to you If you will choose them. But that you must do, Choose that is, For you cannot have both. Thank God
That you are two things. If not, you would be one And that not His. But the day is coming When you will have to choose, Everlastingly, everlastingly. And then You will be one And not two. Oh God! And if one, then whose? Not yours, Not yours But His Or his. And better to be two Than one When the thing that you are Is not enough. But better still To forsake the two For one. For you cannot be two forever. Why do you run
From the thing that you desire? You say that it's the truth you want But when you find it, You disbelieve. Why?! Why speak? Why piss into the wind? I don't know what to do with that. Truly! Why won't you listen? Why do you prioritize The thing that you believe The thing that you can masticate But never swallow. Don't you know That the truth is sweet? And simple. And it lasts all day long And satisfies If you will choose it over meat. But you want a thing That you can keep. And so, you go hungry. What am I to do with that But to remain silent Until the pain grows deep enough That you can sip a spoonful. Perhaps that is the only way. Damn! But if you only knew What feasts await! I sit at the table and wait. And wait. Why is it that so much of human life
Is more sacred when it's gone, That it is cherished more When it disappears? And why is so much of life ugly And fallen And profane? I don't know. But what I do know Is that to spite all that, The thought of every passing life Arises with sacred coolness When the shades of evening Have pulled it to the grave? Perhaps life was so unlovely Because we expected too much of it. After all, in the end, At best we are graced with an epitaph. A few words to sum it all up, Or a symbol etched in stone. And that is sacred. That is pure, Not the monument itself But the living, breathing, sacred substance That arises within the wandering stranger Who passes it and thinks: Here is one who was a part Of that great, swelling, sacred thing That this symbol, These words, Represent. But it's rare to find Such symbols anymore on graves, in the absence of which, I prefer a name, A single name and date. That is sacred. That is pure, To say that one endured, That they were graced with life From date to date. But more lovely still, I think Is to die at sea And be forgotten. That is sacred. That is pure, To live a life And let it be, Let it rest Beneath the sea. And you know, That is what I want To become of me when I die. Don't pretend That I was a part of something So very great. Don't mark my name From date to date. Just roll me in a burlap sack And quietly, reverently, bury me. And let fishes or worms It matters not which Destroy what's left, Until I disappear. And then perhaps You'll know me For what I am. Then perhaps, You'll see, And cherish me most When there's nothing left. I am so tired of trying to be enough.
So Sad. Why won't you leave me be? Don't you see I'm miserable Trying to pretend That I am enough To stand eye to eye With you? Why will you demand of me Another rise. Isn't it enough that you are strong And I am weak? Please just let me return To my mother's arms. Let me go home. Let me be where What I am is enough, Where I do not need to fight For dominance. Why don't you just fight on without me? Fight when I am gone. Wait till I've disappeared, Then fight on. But let me be simple and weak. Let me be enough Just as I am. And if ever you break, If ever your eyes grow dim Or your wit gives out And that dark gift of yours, The one you use to abuse us, If it ever falters And you find yourself On the other side of success, Looking up from underneath. Or if ever you discover That you're tired of fighting, Tired of winning, Tired of pretending That you are better, Then come and find me. I won't hold a grudge, For after all, we were friends Before all of this striving started. And aren't all of us just waiting For the day When mother earth will wrap us up In her embrace And remind us that we are one with her. Perhaps then, We'll let each other be And honor both the on the top As well as underneath. |
September 2024