I suppose this poem
Will be short. That's all I have time for. But poems don't work that way. They have a life of their own. And so today I write a bad poem. It is bad Because I hold it close And do not let It have its head. If I did, It would pull me along And keep me up until All hours. So there you go. My apologies. This poem is No more than a space Between two More meaningful Works... But you see Already, it has drawn me in. I try to finish But it holds me. "I'm not done" it says. It insists that we end well. And to end well, We must say something. Damn! But here I go! I am ending this poem. I won't live this way, Enslaved to a tyrannical muse! Ha! So there! The End! And we haven't said a thing. And it is miserable And we both are sad. But I suppose it is just as well. I will sleep tonight After I mourn The loss of something I don't know what And never will. Good night muse. I love you. "I love you too" he says. Until tomorrow muse...I am sorry. "It's OK. I understand" I believe he is asleep now. He really is a faithful friend. I could not wish for better And I am sorry That I treat him so. Truly, I am ashamed. But tomorrow I will be better. Tomorrow, I let him roam In sunlit meadows Where the wildflowers grow And we'll spin a poem That you'll remember. And perhaps you'll like it so much That you'll read it again and again. And now I suppose That I must be to sleep also. Good night all. God bless. Until next time.
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September 2024